Six Parks Round Out First Phase of Union Village

As home construction moves forward, six parks have been established throughout the first phase of Union Village.

The parks will contribute to quality of life at Union Village, a key principle of new urbanism.

Union Village Square

Ginkgo trees line this community gathering space in front of the 17,000 square-foot Center Building. A lawn provides ample space for families to spread out, while a stage awaits future performances. A fenced-in playground provides a safe diversion for young children.

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Bailey Square

Embedded in the heart of this first neighborhood, Bailey Square features a historic bell, cast in Cincinnati in 1849. The bell—as well as the parks’ names—retain pieces of history from the Shaker community that once occupied the land.

Pocket Parks

Anderson Fountain Park, Allen Park, Baker Corners and Belmire Park are “pocket parks” sprinkled throughout the neighborhood. These green spaces will provide shade and places for future residents to meet or relax.

Union Village’s award-winning master plan includes 200 total acres of green space, including meadows, woodland parks and pathways that will connect to Armco Park and Warren County Sports Park.

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UNION VILLAGE REALTY: Matt O’Connor | (513) 325-1082
MEDIA CONTACT: Sara Cullin | (513) 383-5627