Simply Living Style: Decorating Your Front Porch for Fall

When you think of decorating for fall, Halloween probably comes to mind pretty quickly. Spooky decorations can be fun, but they aren’t for everyone, and after trick-or-treat, it’s time to pack them away. There are many other ways you can decorate your porch for fall that will last all season long.

At Union Village Ohio, we believe in celebrating every season. Located in the heart of Warren County, Ohio, our neighborhood enjoys the changing seasons and fall is a favorite time of year for many of us.

Front porches are part of the Simply Living lifestyle we offer at Union Village. Many neighbors decorate their porches, offering inspiration to help you usher in autumn. Here are a few ideas we’ve gathered.


Get Festive With Garland and Wreaths

Create a focal point that invites people to your porch by hanging a wreath and garland at your front door. It’s a simple, but impactful way to decorate. You can find a ton of fall inspired options or make your own. Just add a decorative welcome mat as the finishing touch and you’re ready to welcome guests all through the fall.

Pictured: Wreaths can add welcome color on a front porch or simply document the changing season with a collection of foraged tokens. Crafting a wreath can be a time for reflection and intention-setting for autumn.


Pick Pumpkins, Pumpkins, and More Pumpkins

Don’t just pick one perfect pumpkin, pick a bunch, because they make great decorations for the porch. You can arrange pumpkins of varying sizes in groups the along the stairs, stack flat pumpkins to create sculptural topiaries on either side of the front door, or mix smaller pumpkins in among planters and other decorations.

Pumpkins come in different shapes, sizes, textures, and colors. They don’t even have to be real, you can use pumpkin shaped decorations made from metal, wood, ceramic - whatever reflects your style.

Pictured: A pumpkin on each step is a minimalistic approach to fall decorating, and choosing each pumpkin is a time-honored, midwestern tradition. At Union Village Square, a colorful display greets visitors.

Connect with Union Village Ohio via Pinterest for more ideas for your home.

Add Seasonal Plants and Flowers

Summer flowers may be fading and the leaves may be falling, but there are plants and flowers you can enjoy throughout the fall. Try planting a mix of succulents, ornamental cabbages and kale in pots on your porch to bring some greenery. You can use decorative planters or place the pots in baskets or wooden crates for a more interesting visual.

Mums are hearty fall flowers that come in a variety of vibrant, jewel tones if you want a pop of color in your porch décor. They also come in white, which you could mix with white pumpkins for a modern, monochromatic vibe.

Pictured: Since autumn is associated with harvest, many porch enthusiasts choose a bountiful presentation. A display of abundance can be colorful or thoughtfully muted.

Make it Warm and Cozy

As the days get shorter and the evenings get a little cooler, you still want to be able to sit on the porch and enjoy time with your family and friends. Use quilts, throw pillows, and lighting to make your porch warm and cozy – both visually and functionally.

You can display the quilts on a decorative wooden ladder or drape them over the back of chairs so they’re easily accessible when needed and adding lanterns or string lights will add a beautiful, warm glow to your porch.

Pictured: Blankets, lanterns, hot coffee and cider lend ambiance and warmth to an autumn porch.

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About Union Village

Union Village is a unique village under construction in Turtlecreek Township (Warren County) Ohio. Designed on the principles of new urbanism, Town Architect Michael Watkins earned the Urban Planning John Russell Pope Award for the Union Village master plan. Touting charming front porches, masterfully crafted homes, beautiful park spaces and tree-lined streets, the Village will grow to include restaurants, shops and amenities in walking distance to homes.

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Real Estate Inquiries: Dave Watkins (513) 409-3190
Media Inquiries: Sara Cullin (513) 383-5627